Tasting Jicama
December 30, 2021
In December, the students tried Jicama. Some for the first time experienced this crunchy and sweet, white fleshed and light brown skinned root vegetable! Just take a look at the photo! Some smiles. Some whoa! Children’s reactions are the best.
Each month the students receive a take-home that highlights the Produce Pick of the Month. We’ve compile some facts on Jicima (“HIH-KUH-MUH”) just for you.
Native to South Africa and Mexico, this root vegetable has been eaten throughout Central America for centuries. It grows best in tropical and warm areas like Hawaii, Florida, and Puerto Rico.
Jicama is an excellent source of vitamin C and soluble fiber. This type of fiber helps with digestion and keeps you feeling full longer. Jicama and other root vegetables are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, which provide energy to play hard.
Shopping tip
Choose jicama with smooth and unblemished skin. Try to avoid dull and blemished jicama, as they are more susceptible to bacteria. Also, try to select a small to medium-sized jicama. Large jicama will have less flavor and crispiness. Its texture will also be tougher. After buying jicama, store it in a cool, dry place.
Jicama Fries!
- Peel the jicama.
- Cut the jicama, a cucumber, and a Granny Smith apple into thin, fry-shaped pieces.
- Add them to a large bowl and mix in 2 pinches of chili powder and half of a lime, squeezed.
- Enjoy this snack with others!