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Think Beyond the Plate

December 23, 2024

A female student eats a smoothie from a spoon

We were back in action one last time in 2024, as we cooked up breakfast for the students and staff at Arturo Cambiero Elementary School on December 12. A special thanks to our chef friends of the culinary teams at MGM Grand, Luxor, and New York-New York chefs who cooked up a storm to feed nearly 600 students and staff. On the menu was a delicious breakfast sandwich, cheerio bar, and fruit parfait. The kids definitely loved it! 

Four Male chefs pose behind a plate of breakfast food

Cookin’ Up Breakfast benefits extend beyond filling up tummies with delicious and nutritious food. We’ve been told by many principals at other schools that our program sparks conversations later in the day. We’ve heard stories about kids talking about what they ate and asking questions such as “what is a carrot?” or “where do strawberries come from?”, to proud exclamations such as “I’m a chef today!” or “Maybe I could be a chef one day!”

We’re thrilled whenever we get feedback that the kids are really getting multiple benefits from our program. One Pre-K teacher at Arturo Cambiero Elementary School is taking a more proactive approach and thinking beyond the plate. She plans to provide an entire career education curriculum inspired by our Cookin’ Up Breakfast program. According to the teacher, many of the students at their Title I school do not have much exposure to different career paths. Having our chefs visit the school exposes kids to a whole new career possibility. Perhaps one day they can be a chef. The teacher plans on devoting an entire week of programming to showing her students the world of possibilities in the culinary field. 

We think this is a terrific idea and a great way to expose students to an endless world of career opportunities. Kudos to this teacher! 

As the calendar year winds down and we join our families for the holidays, it is a time to reflect on all that we are grateful for. At Chefs for Kids, we’re grateful for our tremendous supporters who make programs like these possible for our students. You can make a difference in the life of a child by making your donation to support our programs in 2025 now! 

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